Several people have asked about my business name this week; after all, BulletProof Writing Services doesn’t relate to my personal name, a famous written work, or well-known quote. Why did I go with BulletProof Writing Services?
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
–William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
By any other name would smell as sweet.
Why BulletProof?
One of the amazing parts about being a copyeditor and proofreader is that I get to use my skills to help my clients reach their goals. Whether that means polishing a personal statement for a college application, correcting errors on a website, or tidying up a marketing packet, I’m here to support my clients. When I work on your documents, I’m investing in your dreams too. Your ideas should stand out in your writing, not your typos. I help make that happen. It’s beautiful to be a part of all sorts of dreams.
So many people are anxious about writing. My job is to help edit and proofread your words, so you can be confident in your work instead of anxious about it. It’s a privilege to partner with you to make that happen.
When I was brainstorming business names, I kept circling back to that feeling of confidence that comes when we believe in our work. What conveyed that sense of confidence?
Be Confident, Not Anxious.
When you hire a professional copyeditor or proofreader, every word in your document receives attention. I check each line of text for errors and make suggestions to correct any problems. Once I’m finished with the corrections, we review them together and work through any questions until you feel confident that your work could not be improved upon. Your work is bulletproof.

Originally, this business was going to handle proofreading and only proofreading. The entire name was just going to be “BulletProof.” But as I worked on my certifications, I realized that I had more to offer than proofreading. We are always encouraging others to dream big and not limit themselves. Why is it so hard to apply that to our own lives?
Dreaming Big
I struggled with the idea of expanding my dream for three months before I decided to go for it. By changing to BulletProof Writing Services, I allowed for future growth. Proofreading and copyediting this year for sure. But next year? Maybe copywriting. Three years from now, maybe line editing.
No one knows the future, my friends. Why not dream big?
If you have a dream and need someone to help you gain confidence in your writing, contact me. I’d love to hear about your project and help you make it bulletproof.
Learn more about who can benefit from proofreading services and how copyediting is different from proofreading. Don’t have time to worry about contact forms and quotes? Check out my Fiverr and Upwork packages for a quick and easy order process.
Good for you. Go for it!!
And I love the name.
Thanks, Ron!